New Life Reentry Program

New Life Reentry Program provides a caring, consistent atmosphere to support, guide, educate, and empower homeless women to develop attitudes and skills that will help them become successful in their personal lives and in the workplace–spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. We are not just a shelter, but a new beginning to help you face life, learning how to lean on a higher power.

We are currently in transition into a larger house that needs extensive repairs. Be patient. The program will be larger and better. We do need funds to get this project completed. Meanwhile, we are working with women on a “non-resident” basis. You can still call for help.

We offer safe haven temporary transitional group housing for women. Our home offers a safe place for up to 6 women. We help you comply with the conditions of corrections, and coordinate services with mental health, correction officers, job placement, and social services. 

We also offer women an opportunity to learn Braille Transcription. Scholarships are being created to go through this training so that women they can have a career paying over minimum wage.